Journal of thoughts, devotions, prayers for my children and grandchildren

Sunday, June 24, 2012

The 4:8 Principle by Tommy Newberry

While I was in Lynchburg last summer, Michelle and I went to Independent Senior Sales Director, Lynnea Tate's Mary Kay success meeting. One of her down line directors taught the class and shared quotes from Tommy Newberry's book. Well, it was so good that I took notes and then had to buy the book. I have re- read it a couple of times. Here are my notes from the meeting:

90% of the thoughts you have today are repeats from yesterday.
They are the results of choices we made yesterday. 

When you have a negative thought, replace it with a positive experience.

You can't think yourself out of a slump;
You have to work yourself out of it.

If you persist in identifying with current or prior performance by thinking/talking about it -
then where you've been/are/going are one and the same.

Our thoughts often misrepresent reality by bending/distorting/deleting/exaggerating/manipulating
the truth.

Let go of words like: always...never...this is just my'll never always happens like this...etc.

Ask yourself:
#1. Is what I'm telling myself true?
#2. Is it ABSOLUTELY true?
#3. Do I like how I'm behaving when I tell myself this?

2 Timothy 1:7 God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, of love, and a sound mind.

Operate out of FAITH, not fear.

Don't compare yourself to other people.
God made each one special and gave gifts special to that person.

Evaluate yourself compared to your full potential.
Compare today to last month, day, year.
Focus on PROGRESS, not perfection.
Give your BEST!

When you set the goal, tell yourself you CAN do the goal you set out to do!

Find someone who is better than you in your weak link and have them help you change and do it better.

Guard your goal and don't listen to negatives.
If God, your husband, and  your children, are behind you, you don't need others' approval.

Hurting people hurt people so don't give them the power in your life. 
Don't listen!

Don't ever take advice from someone you wouldn't trade places with.

Don't take "no's" personal. You are a child of the king so it doesn't matter.

Self worth is authentic self esteem rooted in your uniqueness as a child of God.
You know you are a special, unrepeatable miracle, fearfully and wonderfully made.
You know God has great plans for you, and you trust God's Word more than the words of others to appraise your value as a person.

When we discipline our minds and remember WHOSE we are, we can run in faith and not fear.

Everything you do, do it for God's glory!

Mark 4:20 - good soil - Hears the Word, Accepts it, Bears fruit.

1 Peter 4:10 Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others.

We can't do everything.
We can't do everything we want.
We can't do everything others want.

Believe that we can do everything that God calls us to do.
Everything He wants me to do, we can accomplish because He helps us.

John 5:19 Jesus did only what the Father wanted.
John 10:32(NLT) at the Father's direction He did many good works.

I can do things in my strength, wisdom, power
or in the Holy Spirit's strength - wisdom - power.

The same Holy Spirit that directed Jesus in His life is in us - our life -
guiding us in our investments of time and talent, etc.

Lets's live in Outrageous

Friday, June 15, 2012

Romans 1:16

More notes from journal, May 31, 2012:
Romans 1:16 I am not ashamed of the Gospel....
because it is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes, first for the Jew, then for the Gentile.
When I was a freshman in college, my Christian friends talked about their "life verse." This verse, along with two others were the ones that I considered my life verses. (Philippians 1:21and Romans 12:1,2)
But all too often I HAVE been ashamed.
How? When?
Maybe not vocally -
           but inwardly cowardice......
                               don't want to make waves
                               keep the peace
                               not have anyone mad at me
                               not be considered a fanatic
Forgive me LORD.
I don't want to be Peter on the night of your crucifixion.
I want to be Peter at Pentecost!

Romans 1:8

Continued journal notes from May 31:

Romans1:8 I thank God through Jesus Christ for all of you because your faith is being reported all over the world.

Is our faith such that it is being talked about all over the world?

* When trials come, such as our recent situation with Katie and her breast cancer, people all over the world- our missionary friends, their colleagues, our friends, her friends, your friends, etc. - have heard about it and are praying for her. When her faith is strong, it is touching believers and non believers worldwide.

* Everywhere we go we are a witness to our faith as we respond to situations and circumstances that come along in our life - at the airport, the grocery store, our workplace, our family. People are watching and responding. Exponentially we are witnessing to those they will witness to.

*Are we in a ministry that could potentially reach the world with the Gospel of Jesus Christ?

I want that for me!!!

Romans 1:5

Notes from my journal on May 31:
Romans 1:5 Through Him and for His name's sake, we received grace and apostleship to call people from among all the Gentiles to the obedience that comes from faith.

We aren't to just have people "say a prayer" and they are "saved."
We are to call people to obedience. The obedience doesn't come from their own effort, it comes from faith.
True faith produces obedience.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

It's Not Fair!!!

It's not fair!
(This is what I always heard from my children when they were young.)

This was my answer:
       Nothing is fair in this world
Why are some people smarter, prettier, more athletic, richer... than others?
          Is that fair?
Why are some people physically, mentally, emotionally handicapped?
Why are some poverty stricken? Why do some people have extreme suffering in their life?
Why are some orphaned, widowed, childless?
          It's not fair!

1.  We all bring something to the table just the way we are, with what we have. We are each fearfully and wonderfully made. We are all needed in this world.
2.  God will make all things fair or "just" in the end. He allows all for His divine purpose.
When we say, "It's not fair," we are really saying that we know more than God.
 Take the example of Job from the Bible. God never told Job why he had to suffer, at least as far as we know - according to what the Bible recorded.
We know what Job may have never found out this side of glory - that his suffering was to show Satan that there was a man who was unwavering in his faith and who would always remain faithful to God no matter what happened to him.
We are a witness not only in this world, but also in the spiritual world - to the angels and demons!

When we continue strong in our faith, trusting God despite our circumstances - we are a witness to ALL of God's creations and are proclaiming that HE ALONE is King of Kings and LORD of Lords! We are giving HIM praise!!!

(I  scratched out these thoughts while on the plane on my way home from helping my daughter Katie after she had her mastectomy because of breast cancer. A mother never wants to see her child have to go through this. Thankfully, Katie is strong in faith and knows God has a purpose for her  in allowing this in her life)

Monday, June 11, 2012


So this is my first post. Julie helped me set up this blog so she wrote the previous post. Can't you tell?

I hope to share with my children and maybe my grandchildren things I have learned while reading and studying the Bible and my thoughts I had on a particular subject or passage of Scripture or event in life.
So. Here goes.

"The joy of the LORD is my strength."

Joy comes from a thankful heart.

"Give thanks in all circumstances"

A thankful heart is a trusting heart,
                               believing that God is El Elyon, the Most High God,
                                                                                                 Sovereign God,
                                                                                                 Ruler over all.
                               believing that He is love
                                                   He is faithful
                                                                    and will fulfill what He says.
                                                   He will be with us even in our most difficult circumstances.
                               believing that He works all things for good.

So we thank Him in everything.

We live expectantly -
                       waiting for Him to perfect what He started.

We live joyfully -
                       because faithful is He who has called us. He will do it.

(Nehemiah 8:10, 1 Thessalonians 5:18, Daniel 4:17, 1John4:16,Psalm 145:13, Hebrews 13:5, Romans 8:28,  Philippians 1:6 )

Saturday, June 9, 2012

First Post

Check out Julie's Blog.  She's my wonderful, adorable, beautiful, talented and lovely daughter!